How to manage and set up auto-login:
Enable automatic login.
Send a notification on telegram when logging in (requires connection to telegram).
Closes the lobby screen once you log into a universe, this is to avoid having multiple lobby screens open in case of many logins.
If active, use the credentials stored on the browser for access otherwise it requires the insertion of email and password.
Time in milliseconds (Default: 10 * 60 * 1000 = 10 minutes). In case of continuous failed logins, I wait this time to try again:
Time in milliseconds (Default: 10 * 60 * 1000 = 10 minutes). In case of continuous failed logins, I wait this time to try again.
Number of times the bot will attempt to log in if the player enters from another device.
The bot will login as many times as the number indicated, after that number the automatic login is blocked.