In this section you can activate different settings:
all transport missions will bring resources to the moon of the selected coordinates.
all transport missions will carry only metal and crystal.
select the minimum number of freighters to be able to send all the resources of the planet. If not selected it will send the number selected in Cargo number.
if selected it will transport the resources with light freighters otherwise it will select the heavy freighters.
minimum number of freighters to start the transport mission.
set to have automatic missions.
transport all resources by selecting a random moon from your empire.
controls the return of the fleetSave, if the fleetSave has a return in more time than the entered time, the automatic missions will start.
By indicating 2o I set the bot so that the automatic transports for a fleet of less than 2 hours are sent, that is, if the save fleet returns between 1 hour and 59 minutes, the bot sends the transports.